The "Good"
The Explorer, at the very core, is on a journey. They crave experiencing new things, and generally like to do this off-grid (whether literally or figuratively), repelling boundaries, restrictions, and conventions. Adventure is the order of the day, and Explorers seldom rely on others in their quest for self-awareness and knowledge.They are independent, ambitious, daring, curious, and above all, free. Free to explore the world, blaze trails, and travel. This drive excites and challenges them. They like to experiment in their quest to be true to their soul, often searching for meaning while seeking greener pastures.
They have a deep desire for wholeness which is most fulfilled my seeking new approaches and perspectives. You might say that they are trying to fill a void by conquering their restlessness and inherent dissatisfaction with the status quo.
The "Bad"
The Explorer is sometimes so self-sufficient that they avoid support from others, which they might see as an encumbrance to achieving their goals. They have an insatiable need to do things themselves, and might withdraw from friends and family while on their quests.
Sometimes Explorers are so indulgently busy looking for the next big thing that will improve their life that they miss what they already can offer just by being themselves. By not committing to a course of action or settling down, this can lead to anything from aimless wandering to thrill seeking.
Likely Goals
To experience a more authentic/fulfilling lifeTo search for meaning
To seek peace/fill an inner void
To discover uniqueness of self
Likely Fears
To be trappedTo be subject to conformity
To be bored
To feel inner emptiness
Examples in the Media
Harrison Ford as Indiana JonesMark Twain's Huckleberry Finn
Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley in Alien
Antonia Banderas as Zorro
Julia Roberts as Erin Brockovich
William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk in Star Trek (come on, you saw this one coming..."boldly going where no man has gone before?")
Lucy Lawless as Xena
Michael Douglas as Jack T. Colton in Romancing the Stone
Archetypes Who've Completed Therapy
The InnocentThe Orphan
The Hero
The Caregiver