Here's the final results:
As you can see, those writers listening to music steadily beat out those who didn't with the top word counts. 38 of the 50 responders who listened to music write 500+ words a day. That's 76% of music lovers, which is awesome!
Those who don't listen to music still plug away, putting in steadier, lower counts a day. However, only 29 responders of 50 eked out more than 500+ in a day, which is 58%.
So the Music Lovers take away the high honor of being more productive than Silence Lovers--at least per this very fun, very informal quiz on my blog. :)
Thanks for participating everyone!
Let's Analyze: Did this result surprise you? What did you think about the 50/50 split of those who listen to music versus those who don't? What other quizzes do you think I should take a crack at?