If you like romance, mystery, fantasy, and plot twists, then you've got to pick this book up.
Here's a blurb from Heather's website:
She was created for a purpose so revolutionary, someone was willing to kill for it.
Seventeen-year-old Lexi Matthews keeps two secrets from her elite boarding school classmates—she’s the daughter of a famous and controversial geneticist, and she can influence people’s thoughts.
But after new student Jack DeWeese heals her broken arm with an anything-but-simple touch, he forces Lexi to face a new reality—her abilities reach much further than speaking to the minds of others.
After Lexi’s father goes missing and she receives threatening emails, she can’t decide whether to fall into Jack’s arms or run and hide.
As Lexi seeks answers to what she and Jack are, she discovers a truth more unsettling than anything her science books can teach. And letting Jack into her life of secrets is not only a threat to her very existence, but it just might break her heart wide open.
Heather's story is so unique...I've never read anything about genetic alterations and cloning, and how that fits within a spiritual, ethical, and moral discussion about purpose. I love a book that sparks debate within not only myself, but between me and other folk. I found myself discussing the premise of this book over breakfast with my husband. (Of course, he mainly just rolls his eyes at any and all talk of books that don't involve fishing, hunting, or rock climbing.)
The book isn't as far out there fantasy-wise as you might think, given the strides in science that the world has already taken. I mean, just the other day I found out one of my clients was actually born 8 years before she was inseminated into her mother. Turns out her oldest sister was conceived at the same time and their parents decided to wait to implant my client's embryo until later. Whoa! Cutting edge science stuff is happening all around us and I think most of us go about in our bubble, completely unaware.
The romance between Lexi and Jack unfolds sweetly, and I wasn't disappointed with their chemistry! Heather's voice captures Lexi perfectly in first person point of view, and the reader is taken along a
I think above all, Mindspeak will reach out to teens who are trying to find their place in the world. Teens regularly struggle with purpose, as they try to differentiate from their parents. Parents the world over set about having children and sidling them with expectations, while many teens ride the precipice of trying to please them versus striking out on their own. It's got a universal appeal to it that I think will make people stand up and take notice of a new author on the e-book scene!
I, for one, will be lining up to read Book Two, as this is the first in a series, and the stories of Lexi and Jack are nowhere near complete.
To pick up Mindspeak, visit these retailer's links:
But one lucky commenter who follows my blog will get an e-book copy for free! Just answer the question below and leave your email. Giveaway open world-wide!
wendypainemiller 22p · 623 weeks ago
~ Wendy
Jessica Nelson · 623 weeks ago
Heather Sunseri · 623 weeks ago
lacienezbeth 12p · 623 weeks ago
Lex Keating · 623 weeks ago
canyondan · 622 weeks ago
The thought wasn't received well, "too invasive", "what if people found out", I was cliche'd into submission.
Heather Sunseri · 622 weeks ago
jenowenby 1p · 622 weeks ago
karenk · 622 weeks ago
lisagodfrees 17p · 622 weeks ago
Now, about your friend... I great premise for a story would be if the embryos were twins and one was held for 8 years. How crazy would it be for identical twins to be born that far apart?
Heather Sunseri · 622 weeks ago
lisagodfrees 17p · 622 weeks ago
Tiffany · 622 weeks ago